Thursday, May 1, 2008


A bit of a wrinkle in this fellows' day.  Originally posted as "wrinkle" at 11:45 pm-ish
on 5-1. I was hoping to give it another whirl as it fits the topic so well and maybe nobody got to see it because of its' previous 11th hour status. I tried to tell myself "I don't care if anyone sees it (yet) I'm having a great time exploring design and technique through this I.F. thing!" Though I am enjoying the process (perhaps too much resulting in long development time) I want people to see it, dammit.  If you think it's cheating or lazy I'll point you to some seriously egregious examples of that very thing. So, enjoy!


thisisnotabloggerblog3 said...

Wow, this is crazy! (I love it)

Connie said...

Love the drawing in this. Not cheating or lazy, just lucky this week!

neil said...

Whoa, what an eyeful! Its painful looking at it. Its also uniformly excellent and fits both topics to a tee. I like this an awful lot, Very well done inded!

mcverhoog said...

Cool! Great use of color. Awesome blog.

Josh (musarter) said...

That is awesome. It has a psychodelic rock poster mixed with "Pusshead's" style/feel.

As far as the 11th hour feeling goes, I know the feeling well. I did what you did for the following weeks "seed" thread.

Lockjaw said...

I wouldn't normallyuse this phrase but this is 'totally sic'.
I admit I'm normally one of these that prefer fresh posts to the challenges set but you are so forgiven on this one.
Excellent imagery.