Monday, September 8, 2008


What do we do with all the clutter in our lives?  Why not just enjoy the moment like our hero, Schlomo.  He isn't worried about things neglected and crumbling around him, unheeded obligations are not a trouble to him.  Lurking and ever compiling dangers are mere trifles to his steely resolve. But seriously, it's a work in progress and as soon as I've finished it for real, it will go down into Schlomo Eats Cake where it really belongs.  So, it is thus far, as well, it is very clutter-some ad nauseum.


damon said...

that is rad

love it

super cool

joseph's art and stuff said...

this is freaking amazing!

Emily said...

gah! delicious clutter! I dig your style!

Mark Eastbrook said...

Thanks for your comments.
Your use of colours is great, really like your work.

Don't control the ink too much but don't let it dictate to you either, you have to fight it and fight the urge to draw pretty pictures (at least that is what I have to do). I think it is all about putting a mark on a page regardless of how others see it.

You seem to be doing a really good job of it anyhow.

Anonymous said...

me thinks you are well on the way to illustrating for a living - delicious illo!

Connie said...

Now that's what I call clutter. An amazing illustration full of humour.

Lisa Rivas said...

Wonderful textures and drawing! Up close it's fabulous :)

jazzlamb said...

this took me a few minutes to see each element you put in it.. very very hot!