Sunday, November 16, 2008

Let's play pretend!

Let's pretend that we're not related.  Let's pretend that we aren't transgendered.  Let's pretend that you've never walked out of an argument.  Let's pretend that you've been here with me these long months.   Let's pretend that you are not [there laid].  (Let's pretend that I'm not using this as my new masthead.) Character concept c/o John Hodgman


INDIGENE said...

Okay, it's different, well drawn, plenty of emotions and it will definitely get!

Anish Daolagupu said...

i like... i like it a lot!!

especially what you've written about the piece... *sniff*... poor mole man... :(

kate b. said...

god i love these mole men. are any of them single? i need a date

Preston T. Grimmenguts said...

You really make me feel for these mole people! Awesome illustration.